Specializing in the improvement of highway safety,
the Commission on VASAP is dedicated to implementing strategies and processes that result in a permanent change in behavior. The ASAP system is composed of 24 local programs who provide services throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia.

“At the Commission on VASAP, our mission is to reduce the number of impaired driving-related crashes. We are relentless in our continued pursuit of our mission through the oversight and services we provide. I welcome you to our new website!”
Angela D. Coleman, Executive Director
The Commission on VASAP is involved in multiple initiatives and public information & awareness events in addition to the services we provide. We are solely funded by offender fees and receive no state tax dollars.
Before you go too much further exploring the website, we ask that you take some time to read our annual Executive Summary which includes information on what we have accomplished over the past year. We stay busy here at the Commission and enjoy the opportunity to share our activities with citizens of the Commonwealth.
If you have specific questions, or are seeking forms or documents, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions section by clicking “FAQs” in the navigational tool bar at the top of this page. If you were unable to find what you were looking for in our FAQ page, you can submit your inquiry directly to us here.
If you need to enroll in our program, please click the login button in the top right corner of the web page to begin the enrollment process.
If you need to make a payment online, please log into your portal account and go to the “Payments” page. Please keep in mind that it is imperative that you select the correct ASAP from the drop down list before you submit your payment. Failure to do so, will result in your payment going to the wrong location and may delay services.
ASAP Consent Forms
Please click one of the following links below to access the applicable consent form: