Received any ASAP services or convicted of a DUI after 2018?
Do Not Create a New Client Portal Account
You may already have a client portal account if you have had any services with ASAP or convicted of a DUI after 2018. This includes Multiple Offender Evaluations, HO-Monitoring, Ignition Interlock, Reckless Driving, Driver improvement, RADEP and/or intervention interview. To interact with the client portal, you will need access to your existing account, contact your local ASAP office to obtain your client portal account information. Click here for the directory.
If you were referred to ASAP more than 5 days ago, contact the ASAP office directly to verify if an account has already been created for you. If it is confirmed no account has been created, you may proceed.
Duplicate Account Notice?
If you attempt to create a new account when an account already exists, the portal will prevent you from moving forward and your account will be flagged as a duplicate. If this occurs, a pop-up box will appear. Select the first option, STOP and contact the Commission on VASAP to review the account and obtain your log in information.
¿Recibió algún servicio ASAP o fue condenado por DUI después de 2018?
No cree una nueva cuenta del portal del cliente
Es posible que ya tenga una cuenta del portal del cliente si ha tenido algún servicio con ASAP o ha sido condenado por un DUI después de 2018. Esto incluye evaluaciones de infractores múltiples, monitoreo de HO, bloqueo de encendido, conducción imprudente, mejora del conductor, RADEP y/o entrevista de intervención. Para interactuar con el portal del cliente, necesitará acceso a su cuenta existente, comuníquese con su oficina local de ASAP para obtener la información de su cuenta del portal del cliente. Haga clic aquí para enlazar el directorio.
Si fue referido a ASAP hace más de 5 días, comuníquese directamente con la oficina de ASAP para verificar si ya se ha creado una cuenta para usted. Si se confirma que no se ha creado ninguna cuenta, puede continuar.
¿Aviso de cuenta duplicada?
Si intenta crear una nueva cuenta cuando ya existe una cuenta, el portal le impedirá avanzar y su cuenta se marcará como duplicada. Si esto ocurre, aparecerá un cuadro emergente. Seleccione la primera opción, DETÉNGASE y comuníquese con la Comisión de VASAP para revisar la cuenta y obtener su información de inicio de sesión.
Before you sign-in, ensure that you have all documentation needed for enrollment.
Below is the required documentation to enroll for the following services:
Court Referred Enrollment
- Court Referral
- If restricted license was granted by the court, submit the additional information:
- Restricted License (DC266)
- Vehicle Registration information
- Interlock vendor choice (add vendor link).
DMV Administrative Enrollment
- Current Compliance Summary (Dated within 30 days-obtain from Virginia DMV)
Ignition Interlock Monitoring only (These individuals have already completed their ASAP program requirements)
- Current Compliance Summary (Dated within 30 days- obtain from Virginia DMV)
- Vehicle registration information
- Interlock vendor choice (add vendor link).
Multiple Offender Evaluation
- Court Referral
Other (Intervention Interview, Driver Improvement, RADEP):
- Current Compliance Summary (Dated within 30 days- obtain from Virginia DMV) or court referral.
DUI VASAP requirement from another state and live in Virginia.
- Court Referral or DMV document from the requiring state which states that you are required to take something similar to or equivalent to VASAP.
To access New Client Instructions or How To Choose A Treatment Provider, please click the video box.
To access our ASAP Client Portal, please click the white button.