Commission Members and Staff
Commission Members Listing

Senator Richard H. Stuart
Legislative Representative

Mr. John Saunders
Vice Chairman
DMV Representative

Senator Scott A. Surovell
Legislative Representative

Delegate James A.
"Jay" Leftwich
"Jay" Leftwich
Legislative Representative

Delegate Rae C. Cousins
Legislative Representative

Delegate Patrick A. Hope
Legislative Representative

Delegate Atoosa R. Reaser
Legislative Representative

The Honorable
Mary Jane Hall
Mary Jane Hall
Judicial Representative

The Honorable
George D. Varoutsos
George D. Varoutsos
Judicial Representative

The Honorable
Gino W. Williams
Gino W. Williams
Judicial Representative

Law Enforcement Representative

Ms. Margaret Steele, LPC
Behavioral Health & Developmental Services Representative

Ms. Pat Eggleston
Citizen Representative

Ms. Ashley Cole
ASAP Representative

Ms. Krystal Hullette
ASAP Representative
Commission Staff Listing

Angela D. Coleman
Executive Director

Glen Miller
IT Project Specialist

Charlene Motley
Field Services Supervisor

Christopher Morris
Special Programs Coordinator

Rosario Carrasquillo
Special Programs Design Technician

Queenie Bradley
Administrative Procedures Technician

Richard Phillips
Ignition Interlock Technical
Support Specialist

Issar Ali
Field Services Specialist

Shelby Edwards
Office Services Assistant

LeAnne Turner
Executive Assistant