If you are interested in being on the Commission on VASAP Treatment Service Provider Directory the following information is required to apply (do not create an account unless you have all items below):
- Name of Service Provider Agency or Company
- Agency Contact Person
- Address and phone number of agency’s primary location (once approved, it will be the responsibility of the administrator of the account to add the additional locations)
- Website address, if applicable
- Additional languages provided, if applicable
- Names of all Licensed Substance Abuse Treatment Practitioner/s (LSATP), if applicable *
- Names of All ASAM individuals and their health professional’s license type. If staff is not LSATP, a copy of ASAM Certificate will be required**
- Copy of State health professionals license with expiration date and state license number (for each individual that is added to provide treatment services)
*Providers who are Licensed Substance Abuse Treatment Practitioners (LSATP) are exempt from the ASAM requirement.
**The optional eLearning modules offer useful preparation, but they cannot replace the necessary two-day interactive ASAM Criteria Skill-building training, available in either in-person or virtual formats, which grants 10 CEUs. Both third and fourth editions are acceptable for this training.
Once it is confirmed that you meet the listed requirements, view the two training videos in their entirety before creating a new account.
To access Treatment Provider Case Management User Training and/or VASAP Treatment Provider Directory Request, please click the video box.
While creating your account you will be prompted to provide the required information, sign the Commission on VASAP Treatment Service Agreement and upload all required documents.
Once this information is received, reviewed, and approved, a new web link to access the VASAP Case Management System will be provided to you along with your login information. Note, the link on the approval email is different from the link to register and is only available in your welcome email, be sure to save it.
To request to be added on the VASAP Treatment Directory, please, please click the white button. This link is NOT for case management.